Wednesday, May 2, 2012

wednesday what

Did you know that my front door is TEAL? I absolutely love it.
WHY is my front door teal? Because of my husband.
I wanted a purple door. But my neighbor two doors down has a purple door.
You CAN'T have two purple doors on one street. It's the rules.
So Robert jokingly says, "How about turquoise?!" Completely mocking me.
And to turn the joke back on him, I painted it a bright teal.
I smile every time I go through it.

I have kept myself crazy busy recently. Because I just don't know how to stop.
Splash pad. Cousin's baby shower. Friend's birthday BBQ. Family get together. Zoo.
On top of going, going, going, I have been sewing, sewing, sewing.
My dear neighbor asked how the baby bedding was coming along. Told her I quit. She asked why.
Sewing machines are stupid. Period.
She brought my machine home and worked her magic. Fixed it.
So I have been sewing ever since. Literally every single day. EVERY DAY.
Yesterday I decided what the heck. Let's try to recover the infant car seat.
You know. Easy peasy...
Even though it was an ALL DAY task, I am so happy I did it.
I was nervous at first. What if I failed?
Robert would kill me for unstitching it and not being able to reassemble it.
I wanted to give up at times. Just buy a new one.
But I made the last stitch somewhere around 1am and put everything back together.
And almost cried.

The brown was already part of the carseat cover. I just replaced the patterned fabric. So proud of myself, people. My ego is swelling.
Ps. Her bedding will be the same material. Minus the brown.

My two year old may not survive. I do not remember Joel going through terrible twos as badly as Lucas. AHHHHHH!
Chocolate and cold pizza. So delish. Need I say more?
My dad recently had surgery for not-cancer cancer. He is fine. It's confusing.
I have been missing Japan like crazy this last week. And I was only there for a week...
I have less than 4 weeks until my due date. I'd tell you how I am progressing,
but do you REALLY want to talk about my cervix? Didn't think so.
I hated mushrooms before this pregnancy. Now I crave sautéed mushrooms regularly. It's weird.


Mandi Abaroa said...

I absolutely love your door color and the car seat. So professional looking.

EmileeandJonny said...

SO awesome! love the door and LOVE the carseat. I've seen tutorials on how to recover by unstitching and using the pading from the current seat cover. I've thought about doing it... I don't really want the same seat for the next baby so I may try to recover it before I dish out lots of money for a new seat. So glad yours turned out well! Can't wait to see some pics of baby girl!!!

Emily Zoe Hale said...

SOOO cute! I love the material!! Wish I could sew...

angiedunn said...

you're right! i died! so friggin cute! you are so talented, and i'm in love with your teal door. well done mama! i bow to you.