Saturday, March 29, 2008


Robert and I had the pleasure of spending the day at the Pinal County fair... Overly exciting. My cousin Kristen was showing her cow at the auction. Other than the fact that we were in the middle of NOWHERE with not much to do, it wasn't that bad. Since my family arrived a few hours early - Kristen was number 257-, my mom and I took off to look around. We covered the fair grounds in less than 10 minutes. Not too much to see. We had lunch, nachos and an icee for me, before heading back to the auction area. A little later, Robert and I took off with the intent of riding the ferris wheel. We never actually made it there, but we did see the rabbits, goats, and a goose. There was still an hour to go when we returned. My mom and I snuck up close to watch the auctioning; the auctioneer was amazing! There were some beautiful steers and swine, but most were going for low prices. A few minutes before Kristen was up, her cow got away while she was trying to untie him. Apparently, the cow took off for the parking lot and my cousin and aunt had to tackle him to get him to come back! My cousin's turn finally came around 5:30... She only got $1.25 per lb. The top steer went for around $6 per lb. She raised enough to pay off the food debt for the cow. Meh. What an exciting day.

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