Friday, December 19, 2008


This past week has been crazy! I thought being out of school meant more time for me; I was wrong. I have been busy preparing for graduation and the holidays.
Yesterday I received quite a pleasant surprise. Robert was on ASU's website all day, checking grades. I got a call at about 10am from him, telling me that two of my four grades were A's (I already knew that the other two grades were A's). Curious, I asked what my GPA was. The two A's (which I thought would be B's) were enough to bump me from Magna Cum Laude to Summa Cum Laude! I had played the GPA game during the summer to see what I would need to reach Summa. I thought it was just out of reach, but apparently not! My final cumulative GPA upon graduation was a 3.82, this semester's GPA was a 4.08. Um... holy cow.
I didn't go to ASU's HUGE graduation ceremony... asking my family to go twice (with an often-screaming baby) was too much to ask. Instead, I elected for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Convocation ceremony (Convocation is where they actually call your name individually). Graduates had to meet at 7:15am outside of the Wells Fargo Arena... FREEZING! I found my little group of Geography graduates (there were 13 of us in all) and waited for the ceremony to begin. It was crazy hearing Pomp and Circumstance, knowing that I was graduating from Arizona State University. My friends Cody, Krysten, and I all had nervous jitters. The speakers were well-versed; we even had a guest appearance by someone famous (see the graduation pictures). Hearing my name read has to be one of the greatest feelings I have ever felt; I accomplished something of magnitude (not that giving birth was not of magnitude, this was just a little less physically painful). Unfortunately, the Dean of the college asked us not to throw our mortarboards (lame).
After the ceremony was over, I ran into my uncle and birth-mother on my way to find my family. I had NO idea that they were planning to attend the ceremony; I was pleasantly surprised (yet again... Summa Cum Laude was the first pleasant surprise). We found my family and did the picture-taking thing. After my family had congradulated me, Robert and I (with Baby, of course) headed to the Geography Graduates Party.
Now that the day is coming to a close, I am contemplating what to do next. I am really interested in the Masters program, but we need to get Robert through his Bachelors degree first. For now I am content with being a mommy.
Since it has been a while, I have a bunch of photos. I have a lot of random photos. Enjoy! I will post again soon (hopefully)!

Krysten, me, and Cody.
I graduated!
Thanks for everything Dad, especially believing in me.
I couldn't have done it without your support either, Babes.
We did it!
Baby rocking the ASU onesie.
Celebrating my birthday (Dec. 16th)
Lifting my head.
My new favorite thing to do!
Such a sad face!
Doesn't look so bad from above...
...Doesn't look so GOOD from the side...

Baby talking to one of his bears...


azHarline said...

Congrats on graduating. Your baby is adorable. Hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Lyndsay said...

Hey I just randomly came across your blog, your little one is getting so big! Congrats on the graduation!