Wednesday, January 23, 2008

and it begins...

I am greatful for the start of a new year; I am especially greatful for the start of a new semester. I know it sounds crazy... liking school... but this semester is going to be fun! I am finished with required classes and am now working on upper-division credits for my degree! All geography courses here. Some of the courses were intimidating at the beginning, but have turned out to be my favorites. Robert has been keeping up with his courses and seems to enjoy them. Luckily, his classes are all online. This means that he comes home after work instead of spending the evening at school. I am happy with this! One of the classes that he is taking is Biology. On Monday, Robert and I worked on his first lab together; we observed small creatures. We bought crickets and earthworms for the experiment, exposing them to hot and freezing temperatures. I honestly have to say, I enjoyed playing with the worms and was sad to see them go. This was the closest we ever have gotten or ever will get to having a pet.


Aimee & Josh Jensen said...
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Stina said...
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Aimee & Josh Jensen said...

ok so you haven't been on in awhile.... i don't know if you saw my "little bow post"
go look. i did it just for you :)

its a couple posts down!