Tuesday, October 12, 2010

one two

We celebrated two birthdays in the last two weeks. On September 30th, Lucas turned one. On October 8th, Joel turned two. That meant eight days of two one-year-olds. IN.SANE. Both boys are growing like weeds.
height: 29.5 in (40%)
weight: 21 lbs (25%)
head circumference: 47.5 cm (HUGE)
diaper size: 3
clothing size: 18mo tops, 6mo bottoms
shoe size: 2-3
Lucas has the smallest feet ever. Trying to find hard-soled shoes for him is nigh on impossible. We tried the soft-soled shoes for a while, but that limited his walking to indoors. And since he has been walking since 10.5 months, sturdy shoes have become important

Lucas is our little trouble maker. He is very innocent in looks, but when it comes to actions he is extremely mischievous. He waits for the prime opportunity to steal food, drinks, and toys from Joel. He knows when you aren't looking; he nabs when your head is turned. Then he walks away with a satisfactory smile.

Lucas is a lover. He enjoys being held and cuddled. He does not need prompting to crawl over and sit in your lap; he will come on his own. He has a very sensitive side when it comes to snuggling. He adores big hugs.
Lucas is king of drama. When he is upset, the ENTIRE world knows. He will stop breathing from crying so hard. He will arch his back in half (literally) from hysterics. He will drop down and roll on the floor during a tantrum. All while looking at you with "pained" eyes. The main culprit to his fits: finishing a meal.
Lucas is a boy, through and through. He loves cars; he loves ANYTHING with wheels. He does not mind getting dirty or making a mess. He is in awe over tools. Bugs? Loves them. Total BOY.
words he says: Dada, Poppa, bye-bye, All done, Mama (sounds like Baba)

height: 35 in (70%)
weight: 30 lbs (70%)
head circumference: 48 cm (only .5 larger than Lucas)
diaper size: 4
clothing size: 2T-3T tops and bottoms
shoe size: 6-7

Despite his growth slowing, Joel is still a big kid. Not fat per say, just big. Even though he is large, his size is not an indicator of his demeanor. He is in no way a bully. In fact, he is the opposite. He is basically a pansy. He lets others (even younger babies) push him around. Big guy is as soft as a teddy bear.

Joel is extremely inquisitive. He LOVES to learn. He had the ABC's mastered by 20 months. He recognizes and recites all 26 letters in and out of order, upper and lower case. He recognizes about half of the alphabet in sign language (no hard core sign language here, just curious as to how well he would retain). He repeats all 24/25 letters of the Portuguese alphabet. He knows all body parts. He knows all shapes. He is learning to count; he has 1-5 down. This boy retains information like a sponge.

Joel is very independent. He is at the stage where he has to do EVERYTHING by himself. He gets upset when you try to help him. He has to feed himself. He has to take his shoes off by himself. He has to climb in bed by himself. Everything must be done BY HIMSELF.

Joel is like Mommy and has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He divides his attention equally among certain things; if he has four similar cars, he plays with each car for the same amount of time... then repeats the cycle. He is the cleanest two-year-old I know. He does NOT like to get dirty. He has to have things symmetrical, too. He can't have one shoe on and one shoe off; both must be on.

Joel can have quite the temper. His attitude is black and white; when something sets him off, it shows. He has mastered glaring at people (mostly Mom). He can scream unrelentingly for hours. If you try to fix the situation it usually makes him even more angry. Luckily he is content a majority of the time.
phrases he uses: "Wuv Yoo", "Cuca, sit down!", "Touch it!" (don't touch it), "NO!NO!NO!"-with finger wag
(Can you tell what he hears a lot of?)

We have been blessed with two boys who love each other. They get along well and help each other out. They both eat well and sleep well. They are not demanding or unhappy. I have enjoyed the last one and two years with them.


Unknown said...

your boys are just so stinking adorable!!! they are growing up so fast! they have the same eyes i think. and i think lucas looks more like you.

ginalenore said...

Yay! I like this post! It's good to see your boys' stats and stuff. I need to hang out with you guys again! I can't believe how big Lucas' head is! Ha ha!

Danielle said...

Leigh, that was so fun to read! What darling boys you have...and what a lovely mother they have. ;)

Brittany said...

Cute boys! Great pics!

Laura said...

GREAT post. Fab pics, lots of info, and I can just feel the love and pride you have for them oozing out of this post. They are gorgeous Leigh! Congrats to all four of you!

Dawn Davis said...

Happy Birthday Root boys!!