Tuesday, April 1, 2008

something new

Well... I haven't posted for a while and I know how I get frustrated when my friends haven't made any new posts so viola! Recently, no new changes have come across our path. We are both continuing on in school; the end of the semester is only a few weeks away! Robert will probably be at ASU next semester and I will be graduating from ASU in December! Robert is working hard at the credit union and may have the opportunity to receive a new position (but we won't jinx that yet). We are looking into moving into either a condo, townhome, or house... something in which to build equity. We may wait until this semester is over so as to save ourselves the stress of school, work, AND moving. I am now three months pregnant and feeling relatively great (but everyone knows I always find something to complain about). The only difficulty thusfar with pregnancy is NOT being ablt to fit in any of my clothes. Looks like it is time for Robert to invest in a maternity wardrobe...


Meagan said...

That is so funny that you know Roy. I don't know why I'm surprised. He freaking knows everyone! But that's so awesome that you are going to be a wedding planner! In all honesty, I might take you up on your offer!

The Higham Family said...

I looked at the pictures of the cow...cute!
Sorry about the house, it would have been really great if you guys could have moved into it. But, there are tons of townhouses for sale all around us! The one right across from us is open- I think the people living there got foreclosed on, so they even had a public auction for it a while back. That one may be in your price range... worth taking a look at! good luck~!

Cristina said...

Leigh.. I need your e-mail address so I can send you an ivite to something!!!