Friday, March 20, 2009


I should finish cleaning my house right now, but I have been finding things to do to delay. Robert did not get the new position, but is content where he is. It would have been TOO much stress for him if he had. Besides, school next semester works better this way. He now has a plan and direction; he would like to be a criminal investigator for the IRS or the like. He thinks it is best of both world: part cop, part accountant.
Joel has finally slowed down with his seemingly permanent growth spurt. He is about 28" long and weighs around 20lbs. If you aren't familiar with averages or whatnot for babies, he is the size of your average 1 year old... at 5 months. Unfortunately, the poor baby has a staph infection on a not-so-pleasant area. It is so sad. Thank goodness for medicine!
My body is slowly progress to the not-quite-sure-if-she's-preggo stage. Looking at me, you might either think I'm 3 months pregnant... or that my stomach is 3 lbs heavier. Other than fainting once (yeah, it was stupid and all my fault), I feel GREAT! Better than the last pregnancy, which was pretty dang easy.
I will upload pictures later, after I finish cleaning. My lazy-time is over for now...

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