Monday, January 18, 2010

dialoges with a 15mo. old

My conversation the other day with Joel:

Leigh: "Can you say 'hi'?"
Joel: "hi"
Leigh: "happy?"
Joel: "hah-pee"
Leigh: "daddy?"
Joel: "dada"
Leigh: "mommy?"
Leigh: "banana?"
Joel: "nana"
Leigh: "cheese?"
Joel: "chee"
Leigh: "baby?"
Joel: "bay-bee"
Leigh: "bye bye"
Joel: "buh bye"
Leigh: "Can you say 'Lucas'?"
Joel: "JOE-EWL!"

Seriously. It is a game to say his own name when we ask him to say 'Lucas'. I'm beginning to think he will never say his brother's name.

Amazingly enough, he was NOT throwing a fit in the last photo. Merely fake laughing.


Mandi Abaroa said...

I LOVE the last picture! Sooo cute. I read your blog just about every other day. You crack me up!

Unknown said...

oh joel. yeah well evelyn wont ever say her own name just amelias. i'm not even sure if she can say her own name cause i've never really heard her say it. hmmm...i should probably work on that.

Amy said...

Just wait until they get a little bigger and wrestle like the pros. Jeol will be saying his brother's name in a sort of loud tone with no problems ;) They are both stinkin' cute!