Tuesday, January 20, 2009


So, as most of you all know, we have a NEW president. I am excited (and I don't care whether or not you are)! But that is not the "new" I am talking about. Nope. Our new is BETTER!
First, I have a NEW calling and can finally talk about it since I am now sustained. Drum roll, please..... I am the new Primary Secretary! I LOVE my calling; I am so happy to be back in Primary! My wards is awesome; the kids are awesome.
Second, Baby has "learned" to make a new noise. It sounds almost like a laugh sometimes. I am not quite sure how he does it, but it is hilarious. Take a look below! There is also a video of him trying to whack his bottle. The poor little guy is concentrating so hard but can't seem to hit it. Among his new sound is another new "trick"; Joel loves to grab my face (on purpose) or phone if I am talking to someone (just ask Robert; Baby hung up on him). While I miss my ity bity baby, I love the personality he is taking on!
PS, At 3 months, he weighs just under 18 lbs. He is almost 3 times as big as Kit and Kristi's little Annelise (as you can clearly see in the photo)!


Lisa Payne said...

oh! that's kit's wife? I totally met her! i went to the ASU Institute Academy awards and I was sitting real close to her...we were commenting on how we were like the only pregnant ones there!

Amy said...

Wow! He's huge! And I so haven't seen him or Kristi's baby yet! Not that I'm goingto die or anything if I don't, but we need to get together sometime girl!