Monday, January 9, 2012

half way to the end

So. Crazy thing about today. I am half way done with my pregnancy. Which might be weird to a lot of you since you just found out a few weeks ago that I am even pregnant. It has been kind of nice keeping this pregnancy to myself and not talking about it. Which is why this may be one of the very very few posts in which you will find me commenting on it. My (planned) last pregnancy. Yup. Robert and I are pretty sure that this will be our last baby. Four just feels like the perfect number for us. That feeling might change with a little bit of time. Or Heavenly Father may have other plans for us. But for now, we are calling this our last. And because this is the last baby that we plan on having, I told Robert that I would not complain about this pregnancy. Which I haven't. It just seems pointless for me to complain about something that I chose. Something that is so miraculous. Something that too many women struggle with (talking about conceiving here, not hard pregnancies). Kind of wish I had had this attitude throughout my last three pregnancies. Not complaining (or focusing on negatives) has made this such a wonderful experience. And I am almost sad at the fact that it is already half over. Don't get me wrong, pregnancy is not always peachy and I have definitely had my share of nausea and (some) vomiting. But I haven't complained. Because I wanted this. Badly. You see, my first two are almost exactly one year apart. They shared the SAME EXACT due date. October 5th (2008 & 2009). My first came a little late, my second came a little early. So they are eight says shy of being a year apart. And I LOVE it. Yes, it is hard. But there would be difficulties no matter what the spacing between them. I had hoped baby number three would come eighteen months after number two. He came twenty months after (and totally messed with mom's OCD pattern). But the moment I found out number three was on the way, I knew that I wanted number four exactly one year later. Seriously. Even minutes after my last baby was born, I was telling my husband that I was ready for another. Most women don't want to THINK of another baby for months, even years. But in the time between number three and this pregnancy, I never stopped wanting number four. And I was ecstatic the day that I found out that this little one was on the way. Because my last two will be almost exactly one year apart. They share the SAME EXACT due date. Again. May 28th (2011 & 2012). Strange enough, I am hoping that this one comes a little late. My 5th anniversary is five days after my due date. And I think it would be sweet to celebrate the birth of my last baby on my anniversary. That and each of my children will be born in a different month (again with the OCD). And the best part of this beautiful experience? I AM HAVING A BABY GIRL!!! Which is something I want to shout from rooftops on a daily basis since I have wanted a girl since my very first pregnancy. Three boys later, she is on the way. I couldn't be happier. :)


Unknown said...

Yay!! I seriously could not be more excited for you! And I agree with you I don't want more than one in the same month, but you never know.

Amy said...

I couldn't be happier for you!
You're insane, you know that right? But I love you. :) Jessica and I were talking about what a loyal and devoted friend you are. You deserve every single drop of happiness!!

Afton LeSueur said...

congratulations! So exciting that it is a girl! I bet all those brothers will sure love her!