Friday, May 29, 2009


True story: While grocery shopping the other evening, the following conversation ensued.

Leigh: I really want to make an awesome dessert. Like a pie or something.
Robert: (Silence)
Leigh: What kind of pie should I make? Apple? Cherry? (Two of my personal favorites)
Leigh: (Silence)

Ps. I, Leigh, hate bananas. I hate banana bread, I hate banana popsicles, I hate banana taffy; I hate banana anything.
And the following is what I spent the morning making:

Banana cream pie. Imagine that.

On top of making banana cream pie as a surprise for Robert, I found myself motivated enough to make a surprise picnic dinner. The dock at Tempe Town Lake. Perfect.

Like I said, perfect...

1 comment:

Bobs said...

You can make me a banana cream pie any time. Yum! I can't believe you don't like bananas.
Cute pics. too.