Tuesday, October 13, 2009


All members of this little Root family are doing well. Everyone is adjusting well to the new "wee one". While going through the photos of Lucas's birth, I thought it would be fun to do a photo comparison of his birth to Joel's birth. Joel's pictures will be on the LEFT, Lucas's pictures will be on the RIGHT.

Last picture before baby came (I look drugged in the picture on the right...)

Holding baby for the first time (Didn't get to hold Joel until 30-40 min. after birth...)

Daddy holding baby for the first time (My dad held Lucas before Robert!)

My dad holding baby for the first time (My mom was out-of-state for Lucas's birth...)

Baby's first bath (Yeah, Joel looks like a 2 mo. old...)

Mommy holding baby on day 2 (I look 16 yrs. old in the picture on the left...)

Daddy holding baby (One of those "awww" pictures)

My friend, Gina "Banina" holding baby for the first time (Joel doesn't fit in her arms!)

Baby in car seat, heading for home (Okay, this picture makes Joel look GIANT)

Just a day shy of 2 weeks old (They kinda look alike here... Joel was more alert)

It is fun to compare my boys, both through photo AND through observation. So far, they are fairly different. The most obvious difference: weight. Joel was 9lbs 3oz at birth; Lucas was "only" 7lbs 13oz (still considered on the larger size of average). It seems that whatever facial features one boy has, the other boy has the opposite (you can think they look alike all you want, but I am their mother so I think I would know best... just sayin'). Joel was a relatively demanding baby; he had to be held ALL THE TIME. Lucas is a relatively relaxed baby; he will chill in his car seat on our dinig room table for hours at a time (the safest location AWAY from Joel). The one thing they have in common is sleeping through the night. Until Joel was 6 weeks old, he would only wake once during the night (once he hit 6 weeks, he slept through the ENTIRE night). Lucas only wakes once during the night (in fact, we woke him after 6 hours last night). I love my boys (and they are learning to love each other)!
One of Joel's "kisses" (Lucas actually came out pink and wrinkled, like a baby should!)

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