Tuesday, October 20, 2009


As a new mom to two, I am learning how to divide my time between each boy and myself. I have learned that I CAN accomplish things, despite the demands of the new addition. I have had time to make a couple of crafts in the past few days; I made a little comfort blankie for Lucas (thanks for the idea Julie) AND I made fabric pumpkins for Halloween.
I put ties on the blankie to keep it from falling off the carrier or stroller.

SOOOOOO simple.

I have learned that I am capable of taking both boys on mile long walks by myself; one in the stroller, one in the sling. I have also learned that cooking and cleaning without Robert's help are NOT as difficult as I had imagined.
Joel has taught me a few things, too. Through him I have learned that pillows and throws don't belong on the couch (where I like them); they belong on the floor. Through him I have learned that food does not belong in the mouth; every other imaginable object does. Through him I have also learned that his favorite toy is the last remaining toy in the toy bin; every other toy remains scattered about my house. One year olds are... fun.
Lucas has taught me a few things, too (more like reminded me things Joel taught me at his age). Through him I have learned that it is time to sleep when I want him to eat; in return, it is time to eat when I want him to sleep. Through him I have also learned that babies poop one more time than the number of diapers you have with you. Newborns are... also fun.
I love how it sorta looks like he is smiling on the right.

And, just for comparison:
JOEL on the LEFT; LUCAS on the RIGHT (Lucas has no chin)

1 comment:

Laura said...

No chin makes breastfeeding easier. I'm amazed you can get so much accomplished with 2 babies! I'm just barely getting back into a regular cleaning and exercise routine and Clark is almost 4 months. You're amazing Leigh. And where did you find material to match your stroller? I have the same one and would love to know. Love the blog!