Friday, November 13, 2009


YAY to a few of my readers commenting (I feel a little bit loved again)! But the BIG YAY is for one of my best friends, Gina. She got married today. In the temple. It was beautiful. I made an adorable "kitchen cake" for her bridal shower.
SUPER cute and you know it!
I haven't given her the wedding gift yet; her reception is in Thatcher NEXT weekend (and she never looks at my blog, so it is safe to post pictures). But it is another handmade gift that I have put a lot of love into.
I even hand painted the "est. 2009" part. Fun.... not so much
I was excited to attend the sealing; the first live sealing since my own. It was beautiful. It made me appreciate the covenant so much more. Funny how you can concentrate better when you aren't the bride. She was glowing (someone told her even her eyes were glowing).
LOVED my flowers. Jumped up and down like a little girl when I got them.
And since some of you probably only look at my blog to see my boys, I've included two pictures that I took today for your viewing pleasure. They are stinkin' cute.
I love them (even if they are gi-normous)


Sarahleigh said...

I love all of your cutesie crafts. They make me want to make things (even though I'm not that great at it) and then I remember that I have 3 babies. I don't know how you do it with two! We are just different people, I guess. You'll have to teach me some of your tricks someday :)

Stacy said...

I agree with Sarah! You have to teach me some of your crafts!!! I do NOT know how you get all of that done! I'd love to come learn how you do everything! And I can't wait to see what you have done for Christmas gifts! Glad you guys are doing good!

Anonymous said...

Your babies are sooo cute! And definitely related. : ) And, just to add onto what everyone else has said, I really have no idea how you do all that you do, but I greatly admire you for that! Breena will hardly let me clean when she's awake let alone take on crafts.

Lisa Payne said...

ooh! leigh! the present turned out SO GOOD! I'm really glad you decided to stick to that paper!