Thursday, April 8, 2010

6 and 18

Lucas is 6 months old. Joel is 18 months old. Where is the time going?!
(I know, this photo was in my last post. We are doing family pictures Saturday)

Weight: 28 lbs, 1 oz (78%)
Height: 32 1/2 in (57%)
Head Cir: 47 cm (28%)

Words Joel knows: hi, bye, night-night, uh oh, mama, dada, baby, Lucas (comes out "du-da"), mimi (my mom), gigi, (my grandma), T.C. (future SIL's nickname), Amy, Beth, kitty, doggie, bunny, wolf, bear, apple, banana, broccoli, cheese, shoes, happy, yes, no, eyes, nose, ear (comes out "or"), mouth, done, ball, bath, boo, up, go, please. Whew. While he knows 30+ words, he mostly just babbles. The kid talks a lot; I don't know what he's sayin', but he talks a lot. The doc had a blood allergy test done. The poor guy has the worst eczema. Hopefully something will turn up on the test. It would be hard if he had an allergy, but at least we would be able to combat the eczema better.

Weight: 18 lbs, 1 oz (62%)
Height: 26 in (36%) Even though in the 36%, he wears 12 month clothing...
Head Cir: 45 cm (83%)

Lucas is on the verge of sitting up on his own (about a month behind his brother). It looks like he is going to skip sitting and move straight to crawling. The other day he scooted forward to get a plastic baby spoon. I thought it was just luck. I placed the spoon two feet in front of him. Sure enough, he scooted to it again. I moved it over and over and over. Each time, Lucas would scoot forward to get the spoon (happy-screaming the entire time). Within two days, Lucas began pulling his knees up under himself to help propel him forward. WHAT?! Joel didn't do this until nearly 8 months; I wasn't prepared for this! My little bity baby is mastering movement.

Ps. Notice how Lucas' head circumference is just 2 cm smaller than his brother who is 12 months older than him. Creepy big head? I think so.


Laura said...

Talk about time flying; they're getting so big! Thanks for the update.

Dani said...

yes. yes lucas DOES have a creepy big head