Saturday, February 6, 2010


So... I fed Lucas rice cereal for the first time on Monday. Like Joel, little reaction. He seems to like it well enough. Each day he gets better and better at eating from a spoon.
On Friday, Robert and I went out on a much needed date. Like with our first real date after Joel, we went to As You Wish (the most awesome place on earth). We had fun painting pottery, despite the little 12 yr old girls who repeatedly pressed their faces against the window in front of us to elicit a reaction. Ha. I did not give them one. We both painted little treat containers; Robert decorated an ice cream cone and I decorated a cup cake. We topped off the night by stopping at Nielson's for a yummy treat.
Today, we went to Kiwanis Park for a walk. We fed the ducks and played on the playground. It was Joel's first time on a swing. It was also Joel's first time going down a slide all by himself; he LOVED both! He was upset when we left - I think he would have gone down the slide 100 more times if he could have stayed.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Joel is so cute! Sounds like a fun date...I have always wanted to go to that place but never have.