Saturday, February 27, 2010


No no, the title does not refer to my perfectly sculpted body. It refers to what Joel just threw; a fit. The MOTHER of all fits. His first full-blown tantrum. And boy, did that suck. I could put it in nicer words, but then I would not be able to convey my emotions effectively about how it feels to survive a tantrum of a 17 month old. Not fun. It started with breakfast. For the past few weeks, I have been feeding Joel Cheerios while I eat Kix. No big deal. Today, oh today it WAS a big deal. He would not have it. He wanted Kix, NOT Cheerios. He screamed. Uncontrollably. I thought, "well, he is sick, maybe he has a temperature". He was running a fever. Then I thought, "well, he is teething, maybe his gums are hurting him". They were swollen beyond belief (quick side not: I was going to compare his swollen gums to something. I asked Robert, "His gums are as swollen as....". Robert's response? "Robert's muscles". Yeah. Right). After twenty minutes of screaming, I had had enough. I told Robert to take him outside for fresh air. Calmed down. Instantly. When Robert brought him back in, he was calm. Cool as a cucumber. Calm, that is, until he saw the bowl of Cheerios. He freaked. When Robert put him down, he threw himself on the floor. Kicked his legs. Thrash his arms. Shook his head. The. works. After about fifteen minutes of this, he would sit up and calm down. Then, after looking at either me or Robert, he would start over again. An hour. An hour of unrelenting screams and tears. Defiant looks. Evil eye. By the time he FINALLY calmed himself down (sort of... he still has bouts of complaints), total run-time for the tantrum was about two hours; we never gave in. I am exhausted. Robert is exhausted. And this is just the start of the terrible twos...

1 comment:

Reidhead Family said...

Leigh- I love you. You are a great mom, and way to hold firm. He will learn quickly. I know it's cheesy, but Dr. Phil says that parents that give into their kids tantrums teach their kids to throw more. He also said too many parents far to often break super quickly to gain some peace and quiet, and thus they teach their child that screaming is an almost instantaneous solution to get mom and dad to give in. But not you- YOU GO GIRL! (You rock too, Robert) No bratty attitudes allowed in your home! :)