My latest project has been the wooden rocking chair mentioned in the previous post. I am currently in the process of sanding it (ugh). When I started, the only thing I had to my name was two strips of medium grade sand paper. I took the chair out front and began vigorously sanding it. Elbow grease. Within 5 minutes of being outside, I had been dive-bombed by these suckers several times.

Um, no thanks. In order to squelch my abnormal fear, I moved the sanding indoors. I know what you're thinking, "Why would you be so stupid as to sand inside?!". I just figured it would be easier to sand and sweep in safety than to try to dodge wasps all morning. Besides, I was sanding in the entry-way on the linoleum floor, away from furniture. Easy Clean-up.
My dad came to the rescue later that evening by allowing me to borrow his electric palm sander. Heaven (not that I didn't mind the workout of sanding by hand). I completed twice as much in half the time as by hand.
So where does intelligence come into play with all of this? It comes in on hands and knees wearing a little onesie. Mommy was making a mess, so Baby should make a mess too, right? I tried to keep him away at first, but darn if babies aren't determined! He and I had a good laugh about this (and then a good shower).
Clean-up wasn't as easy as sweeping the floor; dust had accumulated on the blinds, stair railing, kitchen counters, etc... It took nearly one hour to clean the mess (and there is undoubtedly a layer of dust remaining). Looks like tomorrow will be my "clean-the-entire-house" day instead of Friday...
Moral of the story: Leigh will be sanding the rocking chair outdoors despite heat and wasps in order to keep her home and baby clean.
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