Thursday, June 23, 2011

two things

Two things. Nobody's business. Everyone's concern. THE two things I get asked about more than anything else. Nursing & number four. Lets start with nursing.
"Are you nursing? How long do you plan to nurse?"
Actually... none of your business. But let me answer anyway. Daniel is four weeks old as of yesterday. He is almost exclusively nursed. Maybe one or two bottles a week when I PHYSICALLY cannot nurse. So yes. I am nursing. For now. But guess what. Remember how I had an infection(s), but everything got better? Getting worse. Not AS BAD as when I had an infection(s). But regardless. More pain than what is normal. And really weird muscle sensations near my collarbone/shoulders when I nurse. Besides, Daniel has MAJOR reflux when he nurses. Way worse than what the other two had. But he never has reflux with formula. Keeps it in like a champ. So no. I do not plan to nurse much longer. Like 6 more weeks.
[Before you get all high and mighty on how AMAZING nursing is, hold your tongue. I exclusively nursed Lucas for 9 months and pumped enough for him to have nothing but breastmilk until he was 1 year. Never had one problem. I know the pros and cons of nursing. I am aware of passing on immunity and all the health benefits to both me and the baby. I got it. But my body is having a difficult time this go-around. And this causes my brain much stress. I do not handle stress well, so this is a sanity choice. My baby can either be nursed and EVERYONE in the household will suffer from a crazy me. Or. My baby can have formula - which, btw, my family doc said is awesome these days - and everyone in the household will be HAPPIER. Common sense decision.]
"When do you plan on having number four? You're going to wait a while, right?" Actually... none of your business. But let me answer anyway. Number four will join our family when both ROBERT AND I feel good and ready. Don't assume it will happen immediately. But don't assume it will be after "a while". And PLEASE for the love of all that is holy, don't tell me when to have the next one. Honestly, I feel good and ready. Dead serious. Not ashamed. My body on the other hand, not ready just yet. I mean I DID just give birth 4 weeks ago. It will take a couple months before my body gets back to normal. But I love how close Joel and Lucas are. And I would be completely fine with having a fourth baby close to Daniel. Especially since we will probably stop at four. Which would mean I would be done. And that much close to the end of diapers...
[Before you tell me YOUR opinion on how close babies should or shouldn't be, hold your tongue. I have heard it all before. I mean, Joel and Lucas ARE 8 days shy of 12 months apart. And it was not an accident. Yes. It can be difficult at times. Guess what, there will ALWAYS be challenges. But as with different situations, challenges differ too. So don't judge me because of the reproductive choices I make. I am not an unintelligent person. I know the "consequences" of my actions. This is MY (& my husband's) decision. Oh. And I kind of don't care whether you always agree with my choices. I wont judge you on yours if you don't judge me on mine.]
Sorry if I am harsh or offensive. But if you are going to ask, you are going to get an honest answer. I am all about honesty these days. I am tired of trying to hide certain things from certain people because I feel as if they will over-judge me. How about showing support instead? That would make things easier on my poor tortured brain!
Flip side. Daniel is starting to slowly fuss less and less. I love this. Or maybe I am tuning him out more and more. Regardless. Stress level is beginning to decrease in the Root home ever so slightly. But let's be honest: I will always stress over everything. It is who I am. But I am still loved. Know how I know? Daniel smiled at me this morning. Not a gas smile or a sleep smile. I'm thinking a real smile. He did it for his Daddy this morning, too. Wonderful.


Valissa Hanks said...

I was just commenting the other day about how awesome formula has gotten even in the last 2 years as I just stopped nursing my 7 month old. Mommy being sane is what is best for everyone regardless of how baby is being fed.

Cardon Kiddos said...

I love you. Do what ever you want and don't let anyone tell you different. I love it!

Bryant and Malisa said...

So I know you don't care if I agree with you or not but I think you are awesome!! People thought I was crazy for having a baby in law school and another right after graduation. I love how close my first two are (only 16 months :)) and I am thinkning that I want my fourth to be that close to my third. Oh and I only nurse because it is free. I know about all the great benefits of it but if formula were a LOT cheaper I would seriously consider using it over nursing. And I wish I knew that I would be done after four. That is my husband's vote but for one reason or another I'm just not sure :P

angiedunn said...

amen, woman! a-freakin'-men.

Jessica said...

Yay for honestly! Honestly! :) You are awesome. Glad you said how you feel. I said somethings on my blog when I was prego with Cardon and I am sure that most of them were really offensive....but I didn't care. It was nice to vent. :)

Amy said...

YES!!!!! TELL it. You are awesome. This totally made me laugh. The "none of your business, but I'll tell you anyway" thing. Ha ha ha!! Fabulous.

I totally know what you mean by "ready." I'm ready for another baby but I'm not ready to be pregnant. I'm terrified of being pregnant again. The trials and horror and worry of my last pregnancy are too fresh.

I have to copy angie: A-freaking-men sister.

Karen Nicoll said...

It is called "Be yourself and who cares what other people think!"
Way to go Leigh!

Aubrie said...

Leigh! I hope you don't mind that I happened upon your blog, but it was seriously meant for me to read!!

I lOVE THIS POST! My husband and I have been struggling with this same "none of your freaking business so don't ask" crap the last few weeks and this made me feel so much better!! Good for you. People need to keep their negative opinions and their oh-so-lovely advice to themselves.

Anyway, I think you are awesome and I love the way you write. I hope to keep up on your blog from now on.

Congratulaions on #3!! Your boys are so cute and very lucky to have you as a mom!!

Stina said...

weeell FINE! ;) i *was* just gonna suggest because EVERYONE needs to listen to MY feelings and opinions on everyone's personal choices...that i think you should skip number 4 and go directly to number 5. if child number 5 goes well, i say shoot for a fourth! LOL AND my husband said he heard that there has been cows genetically modified to produce breast milk instead of cows opt for that too! (seriously he DID tell me he heard of it...i find it a bit creepy)

seriously though people can be dumb. that is all i can say. since i moved here i have been getting much less of it, but maybe because i am not as well known. but i am not joking when i told people when we found out i was pregnant with another girl with ysa...i had people TRYING to convince me that i was truly sad and upset that i don't have a boy even if i said i was perfectly content and HAPPY that i was to have our fourth daughter. pretty dumb. not to mention i have gotten *comments* on my birthing choices. "eppidurals were invented for a reason" WHY would you WANT to go through that??! you know, i KNOW there are epidurals! and i ahve nothing against them, i have just chosen NOT to go that avenue, personally. i have done just fine without them...BUT they ARE a magnificent tool and i look down at NO ONE who uses them. heck i tell everyone i know that has never gone through the birthing process and says they want to go o natural, to NOT rule out the epidural! NAD i have gotten comments because i was induced with ysa just one day after her due date. yes, i know the body will work when it;s ready blah blah blah! hello? 4th child...i kinda know all that! but it was a danged good thing i did...and that is probably WHY my body didn't go into labor on it's own. i have never heard of such a fast delivery from the time my inducement was started and at such a low dose of the pit.
*shrug* there will always be stupid people...

Tawni said...

Good for you! Your life, your choices, right!