Wednesday, May 30, 2012

wednesday what

This picture makes me smile.
I am having Jen do my newborn photos on Friday.
But I couldn't resist snapping a few shots while Robert and the boys were at church on Sunday.
Going to use this for her birth announcement.
So sweet.

I have a confession. One that may make you think I am absolutely crazy.
I love labor.
Labor and delivery is the climax to the 9 months of pregnancy.
You wait and wait and wait. And labor is what you are waiting for.
That moment where you finally meet the little one inside of you.
The one you have been imagining since the moment you found you were expecting.
I don't know why, but I enjoy the adrenalin rush of it all.
Maybe because my last three deliveries were amazing.
Three contractions and out. Two contractions and out. One push and out.
Regardless of why, I love it.
Which is why I get a little sad when I think that Natalie is most likely our last.
Every time I drive by Banner Gateway, my heart aches a little.
I think back on the times that Robert and I went into Labor & Delivery.
When we were in the final stages before meeting our newest little addition.
Being in labor.
Getting my epidural and receiving sweet relief from the contractions.
Resting and soaking up the moment.
Holding my precious newborn for the very first time.
Determining who they look most like.
I think my heart will always ache a little when I drive by Banner Gateway.
It's okay. My time is over.
Which also brings me excitement.
I have all these little babies. And now I get to focus on their growth.
I get to focus on teaching them.
I get to focus on nurturing them.
I get to focus on loving them.


Amanda Kristeen said...

Even though my labor was long & hard, I really like it too & actually want to become a doula. I noticed you said your last THREE labors were great - not your first. I hope my next ones are as quick - that sounds awesome. Your baby is soooooo LOVELY! Precious & perfect. :)

Anonymous said...

I love labor too! It's hard, but it's so exciting! The baby is finally coming, and SOON! Every contraction is just that much closer. I don't know why people spend so much energy hating it, fighting it (unless you've had a really bad experience - I can understand that.) It's not like you can stop it, or skip it. It's coming, you might as well hop on the train!

Leah Wakefield said...

Leigh, you aren't crazy. I feel the same way!! My labors have all had their own issues, including the last which was scary as all get out and included cardiologists, and EKG's, and fainting, all due to a reaction to medication, but you know what....I still loved it. I agree with you on how you just relish in knowing your baby is finally going to be here. Sawyer is our last and my heart aches too thinking about it. As much as I would love another baby....would I ever know when to stop?? hahah But I just keeping thinking to myself how I get to focus on my kids now instead of focusing on "making it through" another pregnancy etc. for me, I would go through labor any day over the pregnancy, it just really takes a toll on me. I am grateful for my beautiful girls and that's all I need. If I decide later on, there is another one....I have ALWAYS wanted to adopt. So glad everything went well for you!

ღ ღ ღ said...

I love labor too!!! It never gets old bringing Heavenly Father's angels to this world!!! That's why it is so hard for me to make a decision rather this will be our last or not. Probably not!!!

EmileeandJonny said...

I definately hated laboring and pushing with Jarom (46 hours of labor, 3 hours of pushing)- but Trav was antoher story, go the epi before any pain and was loving it! There is NOTHING like that sweet babe being placed on your chest for the first time! I totally look forward to doing it again in October (although, I'm always afraid I will end up with a csection!).