Thursday, October 9, 2008


Well, the big day finally came! After a long 24 hours (labor took awhile, if you couldn't tell),
Robert Joel came into the world. He caused a lot of pain and frustration for Mommy, but she is recuperating nicely.

His vitals are, wait for this: 9 lbs. 3 oz and 20.7 inches. He is a big boy. I am not sure who he got it from yet, but that is irrelevant now that she had push that big boy out (Leigh would like to blame me, but I don't think that it was my fault).

We will post pictures later. This post is actually being done at the hospital (this place is amazing!).

Thanks for all of the love and support!


Aimee & Josh Jensen said...

YAY! let us know when we can come see him!

you'll have to post all the details of labor later :)

kristen said...

Yeah I wanted to come see you today, but I will wait until you're ready. I love you guys, and I can't wait to see that little one.

Clark and Liesel said...

Hooray! What a big baby! Way to go Leigh! Glad he finally made it! :) Can't wait to see pics!

EmileeandJonny said...

Yay! We are so excited for you! We can't wait to see some pictures. I'm glad for you that the labor part is through- that is some tough stuff!

The Wells Family said...

Wow, what a big guy. Congrats Mom and Dad. (Granma & Granpa too) Can't wait to meet him! Post some pictures soon.

The Higham Family said...

Way to go! Wow, 24 hours is long time. You had an epidural, right? I sure hope so! Congrats guys, it is sooo much fun!

Stina said...

congrats you guys! i so excited for you! annd i can't wait to see you guys and little joel this weekend...we'll call before!

Dawn Davis said...

YAY!! Congratulations!! I'm sorry about the long labor, I can definitely relate...but holding that baby in your arms makes everything better. Can't wait to see pictures!

Danielle said...

YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! Congratulations Robert and Leigh! What a joy to have a new little life in your home! I'm excited for the pictures. (and way to go Leigh...I'm so proud of you!)

Richard and Tiffany said...

Congratulations Leigh and Robert! That's so exciting, I'm sure you're exhausted but loving it!! :)