Wednesday, October 1, 2008


It looks like I am not going to have a September baby like I had hoped... At least I know my baby will be born THIS month! Any day now...


Bobs said...

Awe, the memories. At least I'm not the only one to deal with the frustration of not having a baby come before his/her due date. He'll come soon enough and it will be all worth it. Can't wait to see him! I'm hoping my 4th will be at least born on her due date or before. Oct is a good month!

EmileeandJonny said...

AH it's so horrible playing the waiting game isn't it!

brett and carly said...

Wow that's crazy I thought he'd be here by now! Good luck!!!

Danielle said...

Personally Leigh, I was hoping that Joel would wait until October, not so that you would suffer through a 10th month, but simply because October is the best month to have a birthday. (I might be a little biased, but shoot for tomorrow, it's my birthday and I'd love to share it with Joel!)